5.3.2 Exclusive and Independent Events

In this topic we will learn how to:

  • understand the meaning of exclusive and independent events, including the determination of whether events A and B are independent by comparing the values of P(A \cap B) and P(A) \times P(B)

\textbf{\textcolor{gray}{Mutually exclusive Events}}Exclusive events are ones that cannot occur at the same time. For example, if a fair die is tossed, it is not possible to get both a 3 and a 6 at the same time. Therefore, event A ‘tossing a 3‘ cannot occur at the same time as event B ‘tossing a 6‘. Events A and B are said to be mutually exclusive since they cannot occur at the same time. If events A and B are mutually exclusive then we can say,
P(A \cap B) = 0Since they do not intersect and do not occur at the same time.\textbf{\textcolor{gray}{Independent Events}}Independent events are events whose occurrence is not dependent on another event. If events are independent they can occur at the same time. An example is, if using a fair die, you roll a 2, then on your second roll you get a 5. The occurence of the two events is independent of the other. Rolling a 2 on your first roll does not increase or decrease your chances of rolling a 5 on the second roll. If events A and B are independent, then,
P(A \cap B) = P(A) \times P(B)Let’s look at some past paper questions.

1. There are 400 students at a school in a certain country. Each student was asked whether they preferred swimming, cycling or running and the results are given in the following table. (9709/52/F/M/21 number 7)

(a) A student is chosen at random. Determine whether the events ‘the student is male’ and ‘the student prefers swimming’ are independent, justifying your answers.
\textbf{Let event A be 'the student is male'}\textbf{Let event B be 'the student prefers swimming'}If the events A and B are independent then,
P(A \cap B) = P(A) \times P(B)Use the table to find the probability of event A happening,
P(A) = \frac{31 + 57 + 92}{400}P(A) = \textcolor{#2192ff}{\frac{9}{20}}Use the table to find the probability of event B happening,
P(B) = \frac{104 + 31}{400}P(B) = \textcolor{#0f0}{\frac{27}{80}}Use the table to find the probability of events A and B intersecting,
P(A \cap B) = \textcolor{red}{\frac{31}{400}}Now let’s go back to the idea that if events A and B are independent then,
P(A \cap B) = P(A) \times P(B)\textcolor{red}{\frac{31}{400}} \neq \textcolor{#2192ff}{\frac{9}{20}} \times \textcolor{#0f0}{\frac{27}{80}}\frac{31}{400} \neq \frac{243}{1\ 600}Therefore, the final answer is,
\textmd{Since }P(A \cap B) \neq P(A) \times P(B)\textmd{ then events A and B}\\ \textmd{ are not independent of each other}2. A fair six-sided die is thrown twice and the scores are noted. Event X is defined as ‘The total of the two scores is 4‘. Event Y is defined as ‘The first score is 2 or 5‘. Are events X and Y independent? Justify your answer. (9709/61/M/J/19 number 3)

To be able to solve this question we have to draw a possibility space diagram. Label the y-axis with, Throw 1. Label the x-axis with, Throw 2. Since we are using a fair die, label both axes with ticks from 1 - 6. For each possible outcome plot a dot. Identify and mark events X and Y on the diagram. Define a key to explain how you labeled each event on the diagram. Below is an example of a possibility space diagram relevant to this question,

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From the possibility space diagram, we can tell that,
P(X) = \frac{3}{36}P(Y) = \frac{12}{36}P(X \cap Y) = \frac{1}{36}If events X and Y are independent, then,
P(X \cap Y) = P(X) \times P(Y)\frac{1}{36} = \frac{3}{36} \times \frac{12}{36}\frac{1}{36} = \frac{1}{36}Therefore, the final answer is,
\textmd{Since }P(X \cap Y) = P(X) \times P(Y)\textmd{, then events X and Y are independent}